NEW RELEASE: Heaven’s Just a Sin Away by Tyler Robbins

Let’s heat up this sexy Sunday with a spicy new release from Tyler Robbins shall we?

HeavensJustASinAwayHeaven’s Just a Sin Away by Tyler Robbins
Available: August 23, 2015
Publisher: Evernight Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-77233-467-8

Having just lost his mother to cancer, eighteen year old, Blueford โ€œBlueโ€ Mason returned to their hometown of Danville, Texas to live with his reticent grandmother, Alma. The two struggle to bond while Blue undergoes a metamorphosis into manhood, discovering new things about himself, his sexuality, life, love and even heartbreak.

After leaving his former fire department due to intolerance of his sexuality, twenty-three year old, Jack West moved to Danville to work as an EMT for his uncleโ€™s small fire department. Heโ€™d resigned himself to living a quiet life alone until Blue came along and turned his world upside-down.

Will the young lovers find acceptance in Danville or will shameful secrets from the distant past set this town ablaze when the people around them are forced to face their own shortcomings?

Heavenโ€™s just a sin away for everyone, especially when every sin is created equally.


Blue drew in a deep breath and gripped the strong hand holding his. He peered into Jackโ€™s dark brown eyes as they darted back and forth.

โ€œFuck.โ€ Jack stepped back and shook his head. โ€œIโ€™m sorry. I donโ€™t knowโ€”โ€

โ€œDonโ€™t know what?โ€ Blue had to know. He had to hear the rest of the sentence. If he didnโ€™t, he was certain he would explode.

โ€œI donโ€™t know what I was thinking just then.โ€ Jack gestured to the space between them now. โ€œI didnโ€™t mean to cross any lines, man.โ€

Blue shook his head. โ€œYou didnโ€™t.โ€ He really hadnโ€™t. In fact, Jack hadnโ€™t even come close to crossing lines. Not like Blue wanted him to, anyway.

โ€œOh, shit!โ€ Jack charged past Blue and reached for the now crackling frying pan with the steaks. Smoke and steam billowed from the top. โ€œDamn. I think I burned them.โ€ He set the pan aside and examined the steaks by lifting the edge of one with a fork. โ€œCrap. There went dinner.โ€

Blue laughed. โ€œYou can save babies from burning cars, but you canโ€™t cook up a couple of steaks?โ€

โ€œHey, I was dealing with an emergency. You nearly cut your finger off.โ€

They both laughed as Blue glanced down at his finger. โ€œItโ€™s not even bleeding anymore.โ€ As their laughter quieted, Blue couldnโ€™t help himself. He had to say something. โ€œYouโ€™re not, you know.โ€

Jackโ€™s brows pinched with apparent confusion. โ€œNot what?โ€

Blue swallowed hard, his knees trembling so badly he wasnโ€™t sure how heโ€™d managed to remain standing. โ€œYouโ€™re not crossing lines.โ€

Jack ran a shaky hand through his thick, dark locks. โ€œBlue.โ€

โ€œIโ€™m an adult.โ€

โ€œI know.โ€ His Adamโ€™s apple worked up and down as his gaze dropped from Blueโ€™s eyes to his mouth.

โ€œJust because Iโ€™m younger than you, doesnโ€™t mean Iโ€™m too young.โ€ It wasnโ€™t everything heโ€™d wanted to say, but it was good start.

Jackโ€™s gaze felt heavier somehow, like the thoughts behind his gorgeous eyes were at odds. โ€œI donโ€™t know if…โ€

A million words could have ended the sentence, but nothing Jack said would have changed the way Blue felt. Right now, he only wanted to feel Jackโ€™s lips. Taste him. Touch him. The way heโ€™d done in every dream heโ€™d had since he first met him.

โ€œNothing you say can change this.โ€

โ€œLook, Blue.โ€ Jack stepped closer. โ€œIโ€™ve had a rough year, and I donโ€™t want my baggage to spill onto you.โ€

Blue scoffed, trying to thwart the ball of air stuck in the back of his throat threatening to strangle him. โ€œYouโ€™ve had a rough year?โ€

Was it petty to compare? He instantly regretted the snide, selfish comment.

Jackโ€™s eyes widened. โ€œShit, Blue. I didnโ€™t mean it like that.โ€

โ€œNah, man. Itโ€™s okay.โ€

โ€œNo.โ€ Jack placed his hand on Blueโ€™s shoulder and gave him a gentle squeeze. โ€œItโ€™s not.โ€

The second Jack looked him in the eye, Blue knew. He knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that if he didnโ€™t make a move, he might never have the courage again.

Blue rushed toward him and instantly captured Jackโ€™s bottom lip between his own lips and teeth.

Much to Blueโ€™s relief, Jack didnโ€™t pull away. Instead, he pinned Blue against the counter, huffing hot breaths as he pried Blueโ€™s lips apart and slipped his tongue inside.

Blue sucked him in deeper, swirling his tongue around Jackโ€™s. His body trembled, and Jack hugged him close, their mouths still fused together, kissing, suckling, tasting.

Their teeth clanked between kisses, and a wave of energy Blue only experienced when he jerked off, surged through him. Holy fuck! Had he busted a nut already? He pushed the mortifying thought out of his head and eagerly followed as Jack guided them toward the sofa.

Jack laid Blue back onto the cushions and gazed down at him with a hungry look in his eyes. Between laboring breaths, Jack whispered, โ€œJesus, Blue. What the hell have you done?โ€

Where to Buy:

โœฝ ย Amazon
โœฝ ย Evernight Publishing

About the Author:

Robin Badillo - Tyler Robbins PhotoTyler Robbins, a.k.a. Robin Badillo, is a down to earth mother of four, born and raised in a small Texas town where she still resides with her nearly grown kids and a pack of spoiled dogs.

After years of being a wife and mom, complete with company picnics and fundraisers for the P.T.A., Robin found herself starting over when her husband of fifteen years suddenly passed away in 2006. With no particular skills to speak of, Robin took the advice of friends and family, and followed her heart and passion for writing into the publishing world.

A fan of paranormal and southern romance novels, Robin does her best to offer up a plethora of tasty morsels to satisfy her readerโ€™s appetite. Whether mainstream and/or paranormal erotic romance or Tylerโ€™s LGBT romance line, Robin strives to create characters who are endearing and relatable.

Adversity is Robinโ€™s motivation, which explains why sheโ€™s a true believer that grey hair is simply Godโ€™s graffiti.

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