The RT2016 Smashwords Romance eBook Freebie Extravaganza!

I recently attended my first RT Booklovers Convention this past April 12 through 17 in Las Vegas. And to say it was overwhelming would be an extreme understatement. If you’ve been, you know whereof I speak. Not only were there over 3,000 people in attendance, the venue (the Rio Hotel & Casino) was freakin’ HUGE!

One of the amazing things about RT is the books. Oh my god, the books. I don’t even want to talk about how much it cost me to send home the overflow of free books I snagged during that week. I do, however, have some awesome news for you.

400pxRTB driveHow does 70+ FREE eBooks in 19 categories (including YA, Contemporary, Erotic, Gay, Historical, Sci Fi, Paranormal, and more!) grab you?

I know, right?!

At previous RTs, the official RT Booklovers Convention Thumb Drive (created by the good folks at Smashwords and full of freebies) was included in everyone’s goodie bag. This year, that promo is being done just a wee bit differently. Not only has the thumb drive been swapped out for a virtual one, but it’s being made available to absolutely EVERYONE.


My novella Judging a Book by Its Cover is included (just use the handy coupon code: CY43E when you click on over to Smashwords) along with a host of other incredible titles that can be downloaded until May 30, 2016.

Judging A Book By Its Cover - Read it FREE!


I don’t know about you, but I have a bunch of new books to add to my TBR list.

Happy reading!

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