Evernight Reader’s Choice Awards: Nominations Are Open!

So, here’s the thing: I’m spankin’ new to the published author game. Like, seriously new… Judging A Book By Its Cover is only my second-ever release – and, at the risk of crowing too loudly, I’m pretty damn proud of it. And, as it happens, my wee story is eligible to be nominated in several categories in the SECOND ANNUAL EVERNIGHT READERS’ CHOICE AWARDS.


What are the Evernight Readers’ Choice Awards, you ask?

Only the perfect opportunity to offer up a virtual high-five to your favourite Evernight books & authors! If there was something published this year that really tickled your fancy, speak up – nominations can be made in 34 exciting categories, but they are limited to one per category per person. Also – you’re free to skip categories if you may not have read anything this year that applies.

For your troubles, Evernight will be drawing for a $25 gift card, so make sure you get your nominations in byΒ Saturday, November 15 & don’t skip the bit at the end where it asks you toΒ enter your name and email address!

So let your voice be heard and give a shout out to your Evernight favourites. And, (ahem)Β if you should feel so inclined (ahem), the following categories are ones for which I can be nominated:

1. Evernight Book of the Year [Judging A Book By Its Cover]
2. Favorite Evernight author [L.D. Blakeley]
4. Favorite Evernight Hero [Emory North OR Bryce Palmer]
6. Evernight book with the best HEA (Happily Ever After) ending [Judging A Book By Its Cover]
7. Best Evernight cover [Judging A Book By Its Cover]
8. Best in Category: Romance on the Go line [Judging A Book By Its Cover]
13. Best in Category: Contemporary [Judging A Book By Its Cover]
14. Best in Category: Erotic [Judging A Book By Its Cover]
17. Best in Category: Gay [Judging A Book By Its Cover]

Make your 2014 Evernight Readers’ Choice Awards Nominations HERE!

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