NEW RELEASE: Moon Bound by Michaela Rhua

Happy Friday! The weekend is upon us and I have Michaela Rhua here to talk about skeletons in the closet… and her new release: Moon Bound!

Not all families are perfect. Well mine isn’t. We all have things we prefer to keep hidden. But what happens when a loved one discovers something you would rather have kept hidden and in the past? Do you come clean and admit it all? Or do you dig yourself deeper into that hole you are in?

Sofya’s father has been hiding something. So when his daughter finds out it shatters her image and respect for the man she has always looked up to. So what does he do? He tells all, explains what happens and hopes beyond hope that she and other will forgive him. What happens? Well the truth does set him free so no family break ups here!

MoonBoundMoon Bound (Moon Maidens #2) by Michaela Rhua
Available: February 4, 2015
Publisher: 978-1-77233-230-8
ISBN: 978-1-77233-232-2

Under the glare of the full moon, friends and foes alike meet their destiny…

Wolf shifter Misty never thought she would rescue a damsel in distress, but when she stumbles across a bloodied girl on her run, she has to act fast. An action she ought to regret when that girl turns out to be Were shifter, and thus an enemy of her pack.

Feelings cannot be denied, however, and when she meets Sofya again, the girls give into their attraction for each other.

The path to true love is never smooth and tensions rise further when Sofya’s father is implicated in a shifter death.

Will this news tear the two lovers apart, and turn them into foes or can the moon bind them together to work out the truth?


“You’re stalling, so it must mean it’s time for me to leave.” Sofya spun on the spot, and Misty swiftly caught her arm.

“Let’s take a seat.” Misty pointed to the sofa and Sofya nodded her agreement.

“Raya’s father was killed when she was young, and it’s all messed up.” Misty took a sip. “He had land and somehow the local Were community were involved.”

“My father had nothing to do with that…how could you think such a thing?” Sofya put the cup down and made to get up. Misty reached across and grabbed her arm.

“I know, I know he didn’t. It was all before his time. But if the land was taken without proper permission then Raya has a right to claim it.”

“Wait, are you talking about the land that Wylan wants? He keeps bugging my dad to sign it over to him.”

“You know about all this?” Misty sat up, alert to every detail.

“Sure, I know there’s something going on with some land issue, and I heard Wylan and dad talking about how the Vamps were warning us or something…wait.” Sofya paused, looking into her cup.


“Wylan was talking about the night I was attacked and how the Vamps were sending a warning. I didn’t get it at the time.”

“Hold on, that makes sense. Raya and Amari have worked out that somehow the Shifters blamed the Witches who had some involvement in a curse on the Weres. It looks like the Vamps have been using both communities for their own reasons.”

“Oh boy, not the stupid legend of how a powerful witch cursed the Weres who are now bound to the moon? Come on people.” She rolled her eyes. “Sheesh.”

“Each community holds on to their own beliefs and legends. For some it’s what holds people together, since you know a common enemy. You and I are supposed to be enemies, but when you get rid of all that bad history we are two people who love each other.”

“What? You love me? Seriously, like proper love?” Sofya’s eyes widened.

Misty suddenly realized what she had said. There was no going back now.

“Y…Yes I do. I’ve never felt like this with anyone.” Misty looked down at her hands, too scared to look up and stare Sofya in the face. She was worried at what she’d see. Rejection was not something she wanted to feel ever again.

“I love you too.”

The words she longed to hear came as a whisper. Misty looked up and saw tears shining in the eyes of the woman she loved.

“Really?” Misty couldn’t believe it. No-one had ever said that back to her.

“Yes, really. Misty, I don’t sleep with anyone. I know it’s early days for us, but being with you I feel we can build this into something great…if you want?”

Misty felt tightness in her throat, before the tears that were edging to the surface could spill, and she felt Sofya’s hand stroking her cheek.Β  She took a deep breath and knew what must be done.

“We need to sort out what’s happening with Raya and her land. That could mean involving your dad and digging into the truth.”

Sofya sighed. “Yep I know. We have to start with my dad.”

“Look, I don’t want anything to come between you and your dad. So let me handle it, okay?”

“No, I can’t let you do that. Besides, I know where dad keeps all the important paperwork so we should start there and then talk to dad.”

Where to Buy:

✽  Evernight Publishing (& other eBook stores!)

Hope you like the sound of the book. Why not check out book 1 – Moon Dance – available here:

Evernight PublishingΒ Β Β  Amazon USΒ Β  Amazon UKΒ Β  All Romance eBooks

About Mik:

Michaela Rhua always dreamed of writing but this never happened until she met the lovely group of ladies known as UCW. Their passion for writing and encouragement inspired her to see if she could do it too. Now she is multi published and loves writing!

She has teenage children who also keep her busy. However, it is whilst travelling into work that she has time to create her characters and imagine other places in which they exist as her world skims by the window. Conversations overheard often lead to the birth of new ideas that she scribbles down in her trusty notebook.

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