New Release: Mason’s Mijos (The Agency #4) by Jacey Holbrand

I have the lovely Jacey Holbrand here today with herย latest in The Agencyย series: Mason’s Mijos. Check it out!


This story is the fourth and last book in The Agency series that deals with the conspiracy theory.

Like two of the other books in the series, Mason’s Mijos deals with male pregnancy, and it also has a couple of surprises that I hope readers will enjoy. ๐Ÿ˜‰

In addition, Mason’s Mijos has a menage element, has some food play and sexy, sexy men! ๐Ÿ™‚

Mason's-Mijos-Jacey-HolbrandMason’s Mijos (The Agency #4) by Jacey Holbrand
Available: May 24, 2016
Publisher: Evernight Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-77233-864-5

Heโ€™ll do anything for love…

Mason Diaz is shocked when he sees his two ex-boyfriends, Flynn Grayson and Ryker Gemmings, together and at an alien encounters support group. Old feelings for them resurface when they tell Mason they want a threesome relationship. Eager to rekindle the connections, Mason goes up to Flynnโ€™s house in the mountains for the weekend of a lifetime with the two men.

Abductions. Food play. Secrets and confessions about alien origins and shifting.

Itโ€™s not exactly what Mason had expected.

Especially the pregnancies.

Can he continue to love each of them while trying to survive the life changing events and all the revelations the weekend has in store?

Be Warned: MPREG, m/m sex, menage sex (MMM), food play, rimming, double penetration, voyeurism


โ€œWhy did you want to come back?โ€

Flynn put down his drink and took Masonโ€™s hands in his. โ€œHavenโ€™t I made that clear? I returned for you. I fought to come back because I love you.โ€

Mason kissed Flynnโ€™s knuckles on one hand then the other. โ€œAnd I love you. Thatโ€™s what I decided. Who you are on the inside is what matters. Not where you come from or what you can do. I. Love. You. What can I do to help you with your mission? Find a woman for you to knock up? Iโ€™m sure my sister has some friends whoโ€™d be interested in you.โ€

โ€œNo.โ€ Flynn shook his head. โ€œI donโ€™t want any females. I just want you.โ€

โ€œBut if you donโ€™t do what you need to, youโ€™ll be sent home. Right?โ€ Mason couldnโ€™t imagine being without Flynn, never hearing his laugh or seeing his smile. He had to be able to do something to keep the love of his life on Earth.

โ€œI know, and the thought of leaving you again just kills me.โ€ Flynn appeared to think for a moment. โ€œYou know, I could transform my genitals long enough for you to impregnate me.โ€

Mason chuckled. A man, changing his boyish bits into girly parts so he could carry a baby? Given to him by his male lover? Thatโ€™s one for the tabloids. โ€œI gotta hand it to you. Itโ€™s an interesting idea, Flynn, but a gestation period will be much longer than a few minutes.โ€

โ€œI realize that. I have a medication to speed up the process, so itโ€™ll only take a few days to a week or so. I believe I can keep the small transformation of my reproductive system going until I deliver.โ€

โ€œI donโ€™t know, Flynn. As much as I always wanted a child with you, I donโ€™t want to put you in danger. And what if it doesnโ€™t work?โ€

โ€œTrust me. Iโ€™ll do my best to keep myself safe and make it happen. If I have your child, Iโ€™ll have done my duty and given you the best gift in the world. If for some reason it doesnโ€™t work, then Iโ€™ll have to bite the bullet and find an Earth woman to procreate with.โ€ He squeezed Masonโ€™s hands. โ€œPlease, Mason, say we can do this. Let me have your baby.โ€

If anyone ever had said heโ€™d be having such a conversation in his life, he would have called them daft. Yet here he was. Talking with his partner about having a baby. Together. Without the medical intervention of surrogacy. Just him, Flynn, and nature taking its bizarre, in this case, course.

Where to Buy:

โœฝ Amazon
โœฝ ARe
โœฝ Barnes & Noble
โœฝ BookStrand
โœฝ Evernight Publishing
โœฝ iTunes
โœฝ Kobo
โœฝ Smashwords

About the Author:

Jacey Holbrand believes life and love comes in all forms and should be celebrated. Sheโ€™s committed to her muse and writing so she can share her stories with readers. Hot days. Sexy nights. Come play in her world.

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