Guest Blogger Remmy Duchene Gets Down & Dirty!

Hello lovelies! I’m turning the blog over to author Remmy Duchene who has a spankin’ new (heh) release coming soon from Evernight Publishing, titledΒ Talk Dirty To Me.

Hi everyone!Β 

My name is Remmy Duchene and L.D. has graciously offered to leave me in her house for the day. I did promise to behave but she has all kinds of pretty things in here that I simply must touch *Grins*

So, how naughty are you? Yes, we all watch porn and that’s naughty to some but let’s go a little further. Could you pick up the phone, call up a stranger and says β€œI’m horny, let’s have some fun!”

I don’t know if I’m that brave. Hell I still blush when I write my characters doing the dirty little deeds to each other. I’m not sure why I do since I enjoy it so muchβ€”waitβ€”maybe that’s why I blush. I enjoy making them do things to each other… *strokes chin* that could be a good reason…right? Anyway, whatever the reason I still feel my cheeks heat up.

With writing Talk Dirty to Me that was more so the case. This short story will be hotter than probably anything I’ve ever writtenβ€”wait…it may be up there with the monster I wrote with BL Morticia called Wounded Hearts. That is a whole other story and it’s currently being ripped apart and put back together. That story has a rancher, an older man, who has no filterβ€”trust me. It was dirty, muddy, rope-y fun.

We often time get embarrassed about other people knowing what we like sexually. Sure, if you tell your boss and a bunch of your co-workers that would be cause to worry or get red-faced. But if its your private time, within the confines of your bedroom, who cares?Β  Talking dirty on the phone to someone, whether you know them or they are billing your credit card is your prerogative.

What exactly would you say to someone on the other end of the line? Let’s imagine, the light is down low, you have a little Keith Sweat playing in the background (or maybe you’re a Michael Bolton fan, no judgments here), he (or she) has asked you to get naked and spread your legs. What do you say to them?

Or, if you were the person being called. You are the operator at the sex line place and someone calls you, what do you start off with? (PS: no, it cannot be It’s Jake, from Statefarm).

Remmy Duchene Β 

TalkDirtyToMeTalk Dirty To Me by Remmy Duchene
Available: November 22, 2014
Publisher: Evernight

Majid Thalen is a successful doctor with a past who’s been working crazy hours. Finally, exhausted, he takes some time off work and decides to get some rest. But he’s about to learn that surgery isn’t the only thing one must not do when tired.Β 

Zavon Mowat is a sex line operator because the bills and his tuition are not going to pay themselves. When Majid accidentally calls his line, he is instantly drawn in by this man. But there’s something in Majid’s past that is getting in the way of everything.

Β Where to Buy (coming soon!):

✽  Amazon
✽  ARe
✽  BookStrand
✽  Evernight Publishing

About the Author:

You can find Remmy on the interwebs at, the Mantasy blog, and on TwitterΒ @remmyduchene.


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1 thought on “Guest Blogger Remmy Duchene Gets Down & Dirty!”

  1. I would have to confess my love for licking. Oh, and also my love for all books by Remmy Duchene…such a talented author who introduced me to the wondrous genre of interracial love. <3

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