Love Thaws a Frozen Heart by Valerie J. Clarizio #ReRelease

Happy New Year, everyone! Things have been quiet here for the past little while, but 2018 is here and I’m ready to tell you all about some fantastic new reads. Today I have a contemporary short from authorΒ Valerie J. Clarizio – check it out!

Love Thaws a Frozen Heart by Valerie J. Clarizio
Available: December 17, 2017
Publisher: VJC Books

Casey is hell bent on getting Noah to sign divorce papers. Hiding out at his camp, Noah is hell bent on not signing. Procuring a snowmobile, Casey sets out in a blinding snow storm to find him. After crashing, she is near death when Noah finds her. Will a few cabin-bound days cause either of them to change their mind?

Where to Buy:

✽ Amazon
✽ Books2Read
✽ Barnes & Noble
✽ iTunes
✽ Kobo

About the Author:

Valerie Clarizio lives in romantic Door County Wisconsin with her husband and two extremely spoiled cats. She loves to read, write, and spend time at her cabin in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

She’s lived her life surrounded by men, three brothers, a husband, and a male Siamese cat who required his own instruction manual. Keeping up with all the men in her life has turned her into an outdoors enthusiast, of which her favorite activity is hiking in national parks. While out on the trails, she has plenty of time to conjure up irresistible characters and unique storylines for her next romantic suspense or sweet contemporary romance novel.

Find Valerie online: Website/Blog |Β Newsletter | Facebook | Facebook Street Team | Bookbub | Twitter | Google+ | PinterestΒ | Amazon

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