#NewRelease: Mastema’s Obsession by Ravenna Tate

Happy Monday everyone! Let’s kick the week off with some more Demons on Wheels from Ravenna Tate. Book three,Β Mastema’s Obsession, is out now!

Mastema’s Obsession (Demons on Wheels #3) by Ravenna Tate
Mastema's Obsession (Demons on Wheels #3) by Ravenna TateAvailable: October 17, 2017
Publisher: Evernight Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-77339-454-1

Kayla Romanowski is having trouble adjusting to life as a dancer in Scotty’s Place, the posh strip club that the Demons on Wheels MC owns and operates. She hadn’t really expected to be assigned domestic duties, even though it was a clear expectation when she was hired. As a result, her days involve resentment and dubious glances from the other women.

All that changes when she finally allows Mastema, the club’s Secretary, into her bed. Kayla is gun shy from her past experience at other clubs, but there’s something about Mastema she finds irresistible and trustworthy. He also helps her put everything in perspective, including her extra duties and their importance to the running of the club.

As she and Mastema grow closer, she opens up about her life, and discovers he’s harboring a secret of his own. Can they let go of their pasts and embrace their future together?

[Read an excerpt]

Mastema's Obsession (Demons on Wheels #3) by Ravenna Tate

Where To Buy:

✽ Amazon
✽ Evernight Publishing
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✽ Smashwords


β€œYou want me to tie you up, we’ll use something else.” Mastema released her, and Kayla’s heart pounded as excitement coursed through her. He glanced around, finally dropping his gaze to her breasts.

β€œThis will do.” She gasped as he pulled off her tank top. She hadn’t bothered with a bra today. The sexy grin that spread over his face as he eyed her boobs sent a gush of wetness to her pussy.

What a rollercoaster ride of emotions this day had been! But she was exactly where she wanted to be right now. With Mastema, his muscles, those incredible blue eyes, and the cock inside his pants that was surely hard as a rock. She couldn’t wait to have it inside her once more.

He grasped her breasts and teased them with his teeth and tongue. β€œYou want to be tied up again? You want me to fuck you while you can’t get away from me?”

Kayla moaned loudly as fresh arousal assaulted her senses at those words. β€œYes!”

Gasping again as he picked her up, she tried to keep breathing when he carried her toward the pole in the corner.

β€œI hope you’re not making that sound because you’re about to tell me again you can’t believe I carried you someplace.” He placed her on her feet, facing the pole. β€œBend over.”

She had gasped for that reason, but not because of her body image. β€œNo. It’s because you’re very strong and I find that incredibly sexy.”

β€œI find your body incredibly sexy.” He tied her tank top around her wrists. β€œKeep your hands on the pole so you don’t slide, and bend over a bit more.”

Once she did as he asked, he pulled down her shorts and helped her step out of them. She moaned again as he molded his body against hers. Even though he was still dressed, it was so damn arousing. And, she could easily get the tank top off her wrists if need be, but she loved the idea of pretending she was his prisoner once more.

β€œKayla…” He reached around and grasped her breasts, kneading them until she was ready to scream in frustration. β€œMaybe I should go and get more condoms and the lube after all?”

One hand moved to her clit, rubbing it slowly. Her pussy was so wet that her labia made noises as he massaged her. β€œOn the other hand, I love teasing you this way.”

Except she was so ready to come it was insane. β€œPlease!”

He moved to the side and slid his other hand around to her ass, pushing one finger into her asshole. While he finger-fucked her ass, he continued to caress her clit with his other hand. β€œPlease what?”

β€œOh, God! Please fuck me!”

β€œYou’re so fucking wet already.”

β€œHow can I help that?”

β€œI love it.” He removed his fingers and pulled down the zipper on his jeans, taking out his dick. β€œBut we’re going to make this last, Bedroom Eyes. You will come when I’m ready to let you come.”

Mastema moved next to her face and turned it toward his cock. She licked her lips at the sight of it, red and swollen, with tiny beads of pre-cum already dotting the tip. β€œOpen your mouth.”

Kayla didn’t even hesitate. He shoved his dick inside, holding her head still as he slid it in and out, so damn slowly it drove her wild with need. She curled her lips around her teeth and relaxed her throat muscles.

β€œOh, yes! That’s fucking exquisite. You can’t get away from me. God, Kayla. You should see how fucking sexy you look right now. Bent over and tied to this pole. I’m going to ask Gorgon to put a second one next to it so I can tie you up between them, spread-eagled, and fuck you until you beg me to stop.”

That image sent tiny contractions to her clit, which throbbed now from the need for release. He fucked her mouth harder. The tip of his cock touched the back of her throat with each thrust. Kayla flexed her Kegel muscles and tried to make herself come as hot desire spread through her.

But before she could bring herself to orgasm, he withdrew from her mouth and kissed her, hard and rough. β€œI will never get enough of you.”

β€œSame here.” She could hardly breathe, let alone form a sentence. Mastema trailed his dick over her face, lightly slapping her skin with it, before moving to her breasts to do the same to her nipples.

He alternated that with grasping them, rolling her taut peaks between his thumbs and forefingers the way she loved. The effect sent tiny jolts of electricity straight to her clit, until she was poised right on the edge of a climax.

β€œI can’t stand it any longer. Please let me come!”

β€œNo fucking way.” He grabbed her head and shoved his cock back inside her mouth. β€œI’m having too much fun teasing you.”

Only at Evernight Publishing.com:
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Only at Evernight Publishing.com: Buy Mastema’s Obsession and get An Appetite for Blackmail FREE

About The Author:

Visit Ravenna’s website.

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